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Hirono Announces More than $10 Million in Federal Funding for Hawaii Community Health Centers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii) announced today that Community Health Centers across Hawaii will receive more than $10 million in funding from the Department of Health and Human Services to support the ongoing delivery of health care services to rural and underserved communities across the state. The health centers receiving funding include Kalihi-Palama Health Center, Lanai Community Health Center, Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center, West Hawaii Community Health Center, Waimanalo Health Center, Bay Clinic, and the Community Clinic of Maui.

“Federal funding is essential to ensure that Hawaii’s Community Health Centers can continue to provide critical services to the communities they serve,” Senator Hirono said. “Over the past year, I have fought efforts by Congressional Republicans to hold Community Health Center funding hostage to their misplaced priorities, and will continue to advocate to make sure our health centers get the funding they need.”

As part of the grant funding, Kalihi-Palama Health Center will receive $2,317,190, Lanai Community Health Center will receive $1,084,906, Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center will receive $2,018,962, West Hawaii Community Health Center will receive $1,224,493, Waimanalo Health Center will receive $1,326,059, Bay Clinic will receive $1,149,862, and Community Clinic of Maui will receive $1,547,866. 

“We will leverage the funding into $25 million worth of culturally appropriate health care and social services for over 25,000 Oahu residents and 250 employees. Our focus is preventive primary care and managing chronic conditions for the whole person,” said Dr. Emmanuel Kintu, CEO and Executive Director of Kalihi-Palama Health Center. “We cherish the support we receive from our leaders who understand the needs of the community and nourish the resources in our communities to promote health and wellness.

“Federal funding is a major element of our Health Center’s ‘lifeblood.’  These funds are critical to our ability to provide medical, dental, behavioral health and vision services, as well as outreach, for our under- and uninsured patients,” said Diana Shaw, Executive Director of Lanai Community Health Center. “The stress associated with not knowing if our federal dollars will be released affects our patients, staff, and leadership. When federal funding is held up in DC, rather than focusing on providing the best quality of care to our patients, we have to focus on development of a backup plan if funding doesn’t come through! Today’s release of funding provides us with tremendous relief and, once again, our total focus is on our patients and their care.”

“We appreciate the Hawaii Congressional delegation’s ongoing recognition of the important work provided by community health centers in Hawaii and throughout our nation, and for their support that contributed to the approval of funding to sustain primary care services for our communities,” Richard Bettini, President and CEO of the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center said.
